Application Security Advisory Services


Identify People, Processes and Technology That Can Accelerate and Mature Your AppSec Program

Unseen Application Vulnerabilities Might Be Costing You

Even as software vulnerabilities grow in popularity as attack vectors, businesses struggle to secure their applications. Newer and more complex apps are released every day – web apps, APIs, mobile apps, client-server apps – making it that much harder to find and fix the growing volume of vulnerabilities.
Consequently, it has never been more important to ensure your applications are secure and trustworthy. The security of your software supply chain (conceptually the collection of first-party code, third-party and open source libraries, developer tools and processes, containers, cloud configurations, and much more) is paramount for protecting your business. The people, tooling, and processes used to develop, build and publish software must be hardened to withstand modern application attacks, including those aimed at the software supply chain. The complexities of selecting trustworthy software components, managing vulnerabilities, detecting malicious open-source packages, generating and scanning software bills of materials, and code signing make this task quite challenging.
Yet, many organizations lack a formal application security program and do little more than the occasional scan of their software to secure their growing application environment. Even with the best scanning tools, it’s not enough to prevent expensive breaches or steep fines and costly litigation from non-compliance.
Optiv can help. Our application security experts meet you where you are to understand your current AppSec program, development practices and the effectiveness of your software development lifecycle (SDLC) frameworks so we can design a holistic application security program together. Then, working with your AppSec stakeholders, we’ll identify people, processes or technology that can be effectively deployed, create a secure baseline and chart a maturity roadmap customized for your organization’s unique requirements.

A Robust Application Security Program = Peace of Mind



Reduce security risks by designing an

AppSec program that secures your

applications by design and meets

compliance requirements

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your

AppSec program is protecting your

internally developed and third-party

applications from exploitable


Leverage people and automation

to identify, triage and address


The Optiv AppSec Advisory Services Advantage


Optiv will meet you where you are in your AppSec journey, no matter where that is. Our AppSec Advisory Services are designed to help you bring it all together and focus your efforts where they’re most important, whether that’s through threat modeling, hardening your software development lifecycle (SDLC), optimally configuring your technology stack or winning executive buy-in.


Optiv’s AppSec Advisory Services are all about understanding where you have opportunities to improve your AppSec program and providing the tools and expertise you need to address them.


AppSec Advisory Services


Secure SDLC
Looking for a way to quantify how well your application security program protects sensitive data, defends against modern attacks, or meets regulatory requirements (NIST, PCI, HIPAA, NYDFS)? Are you seeking to align your development processes with your overall security strategy, while considering your capabilities, constraints, and budget? Are you struggling with other issues like developer buy-in or tool adoption?
Optiv’s Secure SDLC services can help. First, we take an interview-driven approach to understand your level of security maturity within your software development processes. Then our AppSec experts work with you to analyze your security posture and identify opportunities for improvement relative to your people, processes and technologies. We’ll provide you with an actionable roadmap to reduce risk and achieve your objectives. Should you need assistance with building out pieces of your program, our experts can help with that too. Common program initiatives we develop include developer security training, security champions, governance, tool implementations, threat modeling, and security testing.


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The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP)

Optiv is a proud supporter of The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) which is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. Being a SAMM (Software Assurance Maturity Model) Practitioner in Application Security Assessments is of utmost importance in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. As cyber threats continue to grow in sophistication and frequency, organizations are increasingly reliant on software applications for critical operations, making them susceptible to potential vulnerabilities and attacks.


A SAMM Practitioner possesses specialized skills and knowledge in assessing and improving the security posture of these applications. By applying SAMM principles, they can systematically evaluate an organization's software security practices, identify weaknesses, and implement comprehensive security measures. This proactive approach ensures that potential security risks are addressed at each stage of the software development lifecycle, from design and coding to testing and deployment.


Ultimately, being a SAMM Practitioner enables professionals to play a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive data, protecting against cyber threats, and ensuring the resilience and reliability of applications, thus contributing significantly to an organization's overall security and reputation.

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Why Optiv Does Application Security Better


Highly technical, dedicated, boutique-style application security consulting


consultants, over 500 years’ combined programming and AppSec experience


applications tested every year, where we uncover hundreds of high-risk vulnerabilities before they become incidents


Provide AppSec services to seven of the Fortune 10


lines of code reviewed in 2022

Speak to an Application Security Strategy Expert