PCI DSS Compliance Management & Consulting Service


PCI Consulting Expertise That Streamlines Compliance Efforts

What is The Difference Between PCI DSS Compliance & PCI DSS Certification?


If your organization accepts, stores or transmits cardholder data (CHD), it must comply with the PCI DSS standard. This requires annual validation/proof by most merchant processors and is a way of demonstrating that your environment is secure. Based on the number of card transactions you complete annually, you’ll need a self-assessment questionnaire OR an independent onsite audit. As standards and requirements evolve, maintaining compliance and performing assessments can become a yearly struggle.

PCI DSS Level 1 Merchant 

Requires a Report on Compliance (ROC), completed by a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) after a PCI DSS audit


PCI DSS Level 2 Merchant

Requires a Report on Compliance (ROC) OR appropriate Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) – there are nine different versions; the way your business handles payment card data determines the one you need


PCI DSS Level 3 Merchant

Requires appropriate Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)


What Does PCI DSS Certification Require?


Depending on your organization’s merchant level status (1, 2 or 3), PCI DSS Certification may be required by the PCI Council. Organizations need compliance management teams with significant PCI experience but finding staff with the requisite expertise can be daunting.


  • Proof that your organization is doing everything it can to protect CHD
  • Requires proper firewalls and infrastructure
  • Hardening standards and purpose built systems
  • Latest in data encryption 
  • Restricted cardholder data access (electronic and physical)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Appropriate tracking and monitoring of network resources and data 
  • Security scans and tests of technologies and processes
  • Up-to-date antivirus software
  • Security IT governance and executive-level management

Go Beyond PCI DSS Compliance “Checklists” With Optiv

Optiv is a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA)


PCI DSS consulting services from Optiv can help minimize the cost and complexity of building, implementing and managing a PCI DSS program. We’re an extension of your onsite compliance team: pass critical and resource-intensive tasks to our team of PCI DSS experts. We’ll minimize the burden of PCI DSS compliance while aligning security requirements, technology and business goals to manage risk cost-effectively.


PCI DSS Consulting with Optiv

Turn your compliance efforts into a competitive advantage, improve decision-making, enhance agility and leverage business insights. 

Our PCI DSS consulting services are part of our broader enterprise risk and compliance offerings that include services for standards and frameworks such as HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley, NIST CSF, ISO27001/2, cloud security compliance and more




Through executive workshops, readiness reviews and a PCI risk assessment we will help your team be prepared for PCI compliance attestations certification.


Implementing remediation plans or PCI compliance strategies can take time. Clients often find it challenging to navigate through change windows, resource time and having the right tool to ensure compliance. PCI IT governance programs aid in compliance policies, procedures and maintenance schedules to ensure PCI compliance throughout the year and preparation for compliance assessments.


A robust program with reporting necessary for PCI annual compliance assessments, application assessments and PCI penetration testing, and staff augmentation with expert QSAs.

Learn More About Optiv’s PCI DSS Advisory Services


Keeping pace with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance will require clients to follow daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual maintenance procedures.  PCI DSS has approximately 500 controls which the client will need to prove they meet each year. Optiv offers several services to help our customers meet their PCI compliance challenges.

  • Readiness Assessment
  • PCI Risk Assessment
  • PCI Gap Assessment
  • Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) Reselling
  • PCI and Segmentation Penetration Testing 
  • PCI QSA Retainer
  • Solution Implementation
  • QSA-Provided SAQ Guidance
  • QSA Completed SAQ
  • Report on Compliance (ROC)
  • PCI Compliance as-a-Service
  • Secure Software Assessment
  • Designated Entities Supplemental Validation (DESV) or PCI Program

Get Customized PCI DSS Advisory Services


PCI DSS is complicated. With Optiv’s PCI DSS Advisory Services, you’ll get the expertise and the confidence to:


  • Accelerate the rollout and improvements of compliance programs.
  • Bring compliance efforts to the next level, moving from a checklist approach to a business-aligned strategy.
  • Enhance efforts to address risk more effectively and advance business goals.


PCI Compliance eBook

How’s your PCI program running? Is your PCI DSS compliance a yearly struggle? Go beyond checking boxes. Get some best practices for remediation, environment assessments, reporting and ongoing management.



PCI Compliance Checklist

With the security and regulatory landscape constantly changing, your organization could lack visibility into your PCI environment, leading to inaccurate scope and unidentified risk. Are you moving to the cloud or increasing reliance on third parties with limited staff experience? Constant regulatory changes contribute to gaps in PCI compliance management. Get a checklist of things to consider when reviewing or looking to implement a PCI program.



Secure Payment Lifecycle White Paper

Optiv encourages you to think beyond a PCI checklist and embrace a unique, holistic secure payment approach. Leveraging existing PCI compliance foundations and technology investments while incorporating leading cybersecurity best practices enables you to build a secure payment lifecycle. In addition to innately gaining compliance, SecurePayment@Optiv enables merchants to address consumer experience, data privacy and business-wide data protection challenges.

Speak to an Optiv PCI Compliance Expert