Cybersecurity Consolidation


Assess Your Security Spend and Technology


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How many new security tools has your organization introduced in the last several years?


  • Has the number of vendors you need to integrate and manage become too much?
  • Is it time to reevaluate?

Crowded technology environments are a perfect example of “too much of a good thing.” If you can’t see the full picture, you may be facing unnecessary complexity, redundancies and costs.


There are many reasons to examine your security technology. Organizations with a clear view of what they own, current risks and opportunities can make informed decisions to better combat evolving cyber threats.

What Can Cybersecurity Consolidation Do for You?


Improve efficiency, reduce complexity


New people and perspectives can be an incredible addition to an organization. But when mergers and acquisitions include adopting their technology stacks, it’s time to take inventory. Trust us, you don’t need (or want to pay for) two of everything. Or when new security leadership wants to understand the existing security tools and strategy. Consolidation solutions offer the visibility and answers you need.

Simplify your tech, so your security teams can protect more while paying less


Identifying unused or underperforming tools allows organizations to streamline their technology investments. With the right consolidation and rationalization strategy, security teams can do more with less, making day-to-day monitoring and management even easier. Consolidation solutions can lead to significant cost savings, which means more to invest in your organization’s future.


Ready to reduce your security tech? Optiv can help.

We provide you with insights, so you don’t miss a thing


Identify gaps in your program through our visual technology dashboard. See your technology against eight security domains, 23 subcategories and 130+ security controls to minimize redundancies and risk.


Advice that puts you first


Get unbiased advice from experts in several controls and domains, tailored to your unique situations. We guide you through integration specifics, platform strategies and detailed impact analyses to ensure your investments are optimized.


Less vendors, more control


Increase your visibility across your security tools and let Optiv help you manage the vendor complexities. We will identify a strategic optimization and integration plan and help guide you through the entire process.

Choose Your Path toward Consolidation

Whether you want ready-made resources for your current tech stack or experts for an in-depth engagement, Optiv makes it easy to take the next step with the tools and services below.

Use our self-service guide to start your technology consolidation and rationalization process.


Best for those who want to learn about what it takes to consolidate effectively and steps to take with your team to understand the current situation of your organization.


Access the Starter Kit

Schedule an advisor-led conversation to map out your security technology landscape and identify opportunities and risks.


Best for those who want a trusted guide to talk through your situation and look at your technology landscape with you, identifying all your options available up front.


Connect with an Advisor

An in-depth technology consolidation and rationalization service to reduce risk through a comprehensive analysis of your tech stack.


Best for those who need a customized and in-depth rationalization report and roadmap surfacing deficiencies, redundancies, potential integrations, impact analysis and alignment to industry frameworks.


See How

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Finding Opportunities Through Technology Consolidation and Rationalization


This LinkedIn Live features expert insights on technology rationalization methodologies and objectives.


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How to Rationalize Cybersecurity Tools in Turbulent Times


Identify cost savings and get the most out of your current suite of tools with security technology consolidation solutions.


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