Optiv and Proofpoint

Protect Your People With Proofpoint



Proofpoint is a leading cybersecurity and compliance company that protects organizations’ greatest assets and biggest risks: their people. With an integrated suite of cloud-based solutions, Proofpoint helps companies around the world stop targeted threats, safeguard their data and make their users more resilient against cyberattacks.




  • Information Protection Platform

    • Proofpoint cloud access security broker (CASB)

    • Email data loss prevention (DLP)

    • Insider threat management

  • Browser isolation

  • Email fraud defense

  • Zero Trust network access (ZTNA)

  • Archiving and compliance

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Optiv and Proofpoint Together for Stronger Security

  • Optiv is Proofpoint America’s Partner of the Year 2021

  • Proofpoint is Optiv’s 3rd largest vendor (FY 2021)

  • 95% of clients renew with Optiv/Proofpoint

  • 24% growth year over year

  • Proofpoint is one of only nine focus partners with Optiv

  • Long-standing partnership dating back to Optiv’s founding

Optiv and Proofpoint Solutions

Enterprise Security


Protect enterprise data, including the crown jewels, no matter where they live.


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Cloud Security


Drive your secure cloud adoption journey and securely migrate workloads to the cloud.


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Endpoint Security


With more devices, come more threats. Secure your endpoints. 


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Threat Intelligence


Real-time global intelligence and analytics help you stay one step ahead of would-be attackers.


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Insider Risk


Shift focus from the perimeter to the data and combat internal threats.


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Data Governance


Develop a business-aligned data governance and protection program that is scalable, automated and adaptive.


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Data Privacy


Build a fit-for-purpose privacy program that both maintains compliance and enables you to leverage your data responsibly and safely.


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Data Protection


Gain visibility, compliance and control over data wherever it resides to maximize the value.


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Proofpoint Initiatives

“Optiv and Proofpoint have had a longstanding relationship one of great engagement, support and success. Optiv and Proofpoint have had the pleasure of growing together from inception, into what our two businesses have become today. Optiv has served as a valued advisor to our joint customer and prospect base, and we can attribute much success due to our partnership.”

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