Optiv and Varonis

Protect Your Data and Assets From New and Emerging Threats



Varonis is an all-in-one data security platform designed to help companies automate data protection, detect insider threats and cyberattacks, and ensure compliance. Varonis offers broad coverage for critical data stored across cloud-based systems and on-premises.


The Varonis Data Security Platform protects enterprise data by analyzing data activity, perimeter telemetry, and user behavior; prevents disaster by locking down sensitive data; and efficiently sustains a secure state with automation.



Varonis Specializations:


Data protection, privacy and compliance, threat detection and response, cloud security, data security posture management, saas security posture management



Why Clients Choose Optiv for Varonis Implementation


  • Trained delivery consultants, including a dedicated Varonis partner architect
  • Fully dedicated Optiv partner support team
  • Varonis Platinum Partner
  • 2018-2020 Varonis Channel Partner of the Year
  • Varonis Certified Delivery Partner (VCDP)
    • Optiv performs services such as installation, configuration, remediation and more
    • Optiv is an expert on building and deploying Varonis solutions, and in security technologies that integrate with Varonis
    • Optiv’s data governance, privacy and protection services can help realize even greater value from Varonis beyond the initial deployment


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Optiv and Varonis: Together for strong security


Despite the risks, most organizations don’t know much about their unstructured data where it’s stored, who can access it, or who’s using it.


And if you’re not watching how employees use data, the deletion or theft of critical files and corporate information will go unnoticed.


Finding out about inappropriate access to data is, unfortunately, a common discovery for organizations. Because overexposed resource incidents can place a company’s assets at high risk, data protection should be at the forefront of its digital security strategy.

Together, Optiv and Varonis can help you:


  • Train delivery consultants by providing a dedicated Varonis partner architect

  • Move away from the perimeter and secure data from the inside out

  • Achieve Zero Trust maturity



  • Ensure data privacy and compliance

  • Improve threat detection and response capabilities

  • Improve data security posture

Optiv and Varonis Solutions


Leverage our expertise with the Varonis portfolio.

Enterprise Security


Protect enterprise data, including the crown jewels, no matter where they live.


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Cloud Security


Drive your secure cloud adoption journey and securely migrate workloads to the cloud.


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Incident Readiness


Assess your organization’s readiness to respond to cyber incidents.


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Incident Response


Strengthen detection, response and recovery capabilities and decrease risk.


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Remediation Services


Certified experts can remediate global access issues, least privilege models and broken inheritance on behalf of Varonis.


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Maintain and simplify security regulations and compliance with the help of automation.


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Insider Risk


Shift focus from the perimeter to the data and combat internal threats.


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Risk Automation


Define, assign, track and resolve risks.


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Risk Management


Align strategies to business objectives, consistent with regulations, in order to manage risk.


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Data Governance


Develop a business-aligned data governance and protection program that is scalable, automated and adaptive.


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Data Protection


Gain visibility, compliance and control over data wherever it resides to maximize the value.


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Varonis Initiatives


Learn more about the technology Varonis is deploying to help customers conquer any security challenge.

Ransomware Protection

Fight ransomware and insider threats by limiting access and detecting threats to your cloud-hosted and on-prem data.


Reduce your blast radius: Don’t let one compromised user or machine infect your entire network. Varonis shows you where critical data is vulnerable to an attack and automatically right-sizes privilege to implement least privilege.


Detect early signs of compromise: Varonis’ data-centric technology starts from the inside out, building out rings of detective controls from the data to Active Directory and DNS to VPNs and proxies.


Respond and recover quickly: Behavior-based threat models detect any suspicious data access patterns — not just encryption. Trigger an automatic response to mitigate damage. Varonis’ complete audit trail of file system access helps enterprises perform targeted restores.


Varonis products that help fight ransomware: DatAdvantage, DatAlert, Data Classification Engine



Featured Resources




Fighting Ransomware With Varonis



What's Next


Security Program Foundation


To get started, learn more about our
complimentary Security Program Foundation
Assessment to determine where Optiv and
Varonis may be able to strengthen or optimize
your security posture.


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