Rethinking Cyber Operations
Creating Clarity Out of Complexity

Explore Optiv's approach to mature your cyber operations program and transition from reactive to proactive.


Check out the white paper to learn:


  • How to expand threat visibility to cover on premises, cloud and the mobile workforce
  • Develop a defense strategy that uses threat intelligence and analytics
  • Handle new and unknown attacks by going beyond logs and rules


Related Cyber Operations Materials

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Connecting Modern Cyber Operations:

A Tailored Approach

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Adopting Proactivity



Adopting Proactivity: How SOCs Can Evolve to Advanced Fusion Centers

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SOCs vs. AFCs



SOCs vs. AFCs: What’s the Difference?

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From Cybersecurity to Cyber-Maturity: A Journey Worth Taking

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Closing the People, Processes and Technology Gap: How Innovation Can Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Program

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Evolve Your Security Operations Center



Cyber Operations: Evolve Your Security Operations Center

By evolving your traditional SOC into an always-on Advanced Fusion Center you can integrate tools and technologies; automate and orchestrate detection and response; deliver powerful analytics and reporting; and unlock future tools, insights and cognitive capabilities.


How to Create Cybersecurity Efficiencies



How to Create Cybersecurity Efficiencies

Watch this Optiv Perspective video to learn more about creating cybersecurity efficiencies that empower your team to focus on prevention and protection.


NIST Maturity Report



NIST Maturity Report

Take this quick assessment created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Optiv to measure five core cybersecurity framework components and learn more about what strategies and technologies will help to raise your cybersecurity maturity.


Cyber Operations and Business Objectives



How Connected are Your Cyber Operations and Business Objectives?

Take this quiz to help identify how well your cyber operations program is aligned with your organization’s overall business goals and objectives.