Stan Wisseman
Chief Security Strategist for North America | OpenText
Stan Wisseman leads the Security Strategist team for OpenText Cybersecurity in North America. Stan has over 30 years of cybersecurity experience and has built security into products, systems, software, and enterprises. Prior to joining OpenText (formerly HP) in 2014, Stan served as the Chief Information Security Officer for Fannie Mae with responsibilities for information security and business resiliency across the organization. With regards to AppSec, Stan started the NoVA OWASP chapter, co-chaired the acquisition security working group for the DHS Build-Security-In initiative, led Software Security consulting practices, and helped start the application security program at Fannie Mae. A frequent speaker and author, Wisseman also co-hosts the Reimagining Cyber podcast, which explores the next generation of thinking on where cybersecurity is heading.